2019年4月12日 星期五





💕The website gets an estimated 80 million unique visitors a month.
💕The website has about 38 million registered users.

QR Code

QR Code 原是 1994 年由日本 Denso Wave 公司 所發明的,原是作為記錄生產線資訊的一種工具,其後陸續開發出商 業與行銷等各方面的新應用,使得 QR Code 之應用日益普及。 
  • QR Code 不只是連結內容種類, 連外觀也有很多的新創意與變化。
  • 一個成功的 QR Code 設計標最重要的是在第一時間讓使用者清楚了解
🙋「掃描此 QR Code 能得到什麼?
若能在 QR Code 旁加 上一、二句利誘之標語,將會吸引更多掃描者。

  • 公司若有產品要做促銷,QRCode將是一項好的媒體。
    • 它不但製 作簡單、製作成本低廉且使用者簡單易用。

  • 🙌QR Codes 解碼讀取資料方法步驟🙌
    (1)所需配備:智慧型手機iPod iPad 亦可
       (具備有 wi-fi 無線上網功能。

    (3)將鏡頭對準 QR Code 碼,「喀嚓」一聲,
      (解碼軟體即可將條碼內容 自動轉譯出來。)
    (5)若將來還有機會用到某個 QR Code,則可先將其掃描的影像存檔
      ( 當需要用的時候,選擇適當的軟體。)

    QR Codes were created in 1994 by Denso Wave, a Japanese subsidiary in the Toyota Group. The use of this technology is now free. The QR Code is not the only two-dimensional barcode in market, another example is the Data Matrix code.

    Today, QR Codes can be seen on flyers, posters, magazines, and so on. You can easily spot these two-dimensional barcodes around you. QR Codes let you interact with the world using your smartphone.

    再來看看我分享靜宜大學介紹QR CODE

        Story bird

        💁What is Storybird?
        You can now invite classmates, family & friends to collaborate on your story book.

        Creating your Storybird
        • Make sure you use simple, easy to understand words.
        • Write shorter sentences that are understandable.
        • Your pictures need to match or add to the words.
        • Note: All year during learning lab story time I have told our little ones to "read the pictures." They should be able to read the pictures of your book!
        • They story should make sense to a young child.
        • You can also consider using a lyrical or rhyming tone, but you don't have to use that type of writing.


        提供個人單獨創作 也提供接力共寫的功能,有許多不同類型的繪本素材,老師可以指定學生用哪個素材,也可以讓學生自由選擇或發揮。

        💖1. 繪本(Picture book)
        💖2. 小說(Long form)
        💖3. 詩(Poem)

        但是教學上來說 便已足夠
        並且可以留言給作者 甚至將喜歡的作品收藏起來,

        ✌ for example:
        the theme of my story is '' love'' .
        and the title of my story name is ''my lovely story with her'' .
        we can choose many style pictures in this story, let us create more different imagination to express what we want to teach or say.
