「 Duolingo 」是最近幾年在國外獲得很高評價的一個「語言學習」網站與 App 服務,它強調用生活化的方式學習世界上的各種語言
即使我們不了解「 Duolingo 」背後機制也沒關係,因為實際上就算單純以用戶的角度試試看這個服務,也會發現它的學習方式真的很有趣。尤其前幾天「 Duolingo 」正式推出其針對中文用戶服務的第一步,提供「中文用戶學習英語」的全新課程,現在台灣、大陸的朋友都有機會實際體驗這款廣受好評的免費語言學習服務。
🙋「 Duolingo 」的關卡挑戰中有哪些實際的練習呢?
加上 App 版隨身攜帶、隨時測驗的優點,是一個非常值得大家試試看的語言學習平台。
I personally think Duolingo is amazing. I treated it as my main learning tool. The best way will vary from person to person but this is how I'm studying.
I have found that Duolingo has no equivalence on that scale. So finishing the tree does not guarantee you a place anywhere on that scale.
- It is Free (the best thing about Duolingo)
- It is very easy to use and learn.
- It has a nice interface.
- It targets to learn your weakest words while going through the course.
- It keep track your progress
- It motivates user to earn Power